2015 Wrap Up

June and Lincoln competed at Grand Prix in 2015 and earned the final scores for the USDF Gold Medal. Thanks to Caryn Bloom for the photo!

USDF Region 9 Intermediare II Champion, SWDC Reserve Champion

Lyndon and Jago earned the USDF Intermediate II Open Championship, SWDC Reserve Championship, and fourth in SWDC Grand Prix. Championship

June and Lincoln competed at Grand Prix in 2015 and earned the final scores for the USDF Gold Medal. Thanks to Caryn Bloom for the photo!
2015 was a great yer for the team! We had several riders earn USDF medals, Regional Championships, qualify to compete at the National Championships in Kentucky, and earn top rankings in the USDF Horse of the Year Standings. Some highlingts include:
USDF Bronze Medal Winner:
Amanda Hester
Katelyn Omas
Nadine DeYoung
Silver Medal Winner:
Sarah Pape Hester
Gold Medal Winner:
Julie Madriguera
Regional Champions
Lyndon Rife and Dannah,
USDF Fourth Level Open.
Lyndon Rife and Jago,
USDF Intermediate II.
Lyndon Rife and HS Wroosevelt,
SWDC Second Level Reserve Champion.
Sarah Pape Hester and Austin Chase,
SWDC Prix St George AA Champion, USDF
Fourth level AA Reserve Champion.
Katelyn Omas, USDF Training Level Junior Champion,
SWDC Reserve Champion.